Every so often I enlist hubby’s help and get him to record something I am doing. Recently, after several requests, I made a series of short YouTube clips on “How to Fold Large Fabrics when Ecoprinting” But wait-there is more! It also describes the process while using a dye blanket 🙂
IIt is all in my very recent newsletter and the home page here has the sign up box. But for those not yet on my list, I will see if I can replicate some of it here in this blog!
So why would you want to work large? For me it’s all about garment making.

In the 7 short videos I show how to use a dye blanket to create the borders. It’s not a tutorial about dyes, mordants, etc-you can use whatever you are used to-whether it is natural dyes or synthetic dyes. It’s about folding and I show you two methods.
I will warn you now that I am in competition with the rooster below-I don’t know why he chose that time to crow (actually there are 2 of them crowing) But hey, it is an unedited tutorial complete with bloopers-and there are a lot!

As often as I look at YouTube, to actually put something up there is a lot more time consuming than I thought! That is one reason nothing is edited. I have noticed that video #1 is the most viewed which seems odd as the rest continue the process! If you want to see how it turns out you have to get to #7!

A few more large pieces

At the end of each clip is a link to the next one. Keep looking as YouTube pops up additional videos and they may not seem in order!
Link yo YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMuNDkCc46I&t=5s
Enjoy! Give me a thumbs up and like them and it motivates me to get another done!-Theresa
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